ISSN 2394-5125


    JCR. 2019: 900-906


    When it comes to happiness and success in life, emotional quotients matters just as much as IQ. Learn how children can boost their emotional intelligence to build stronger interrelation, and achieve their. aims. Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage their own emotions in positive ways to control stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence helps to build stronger interrelationship, succeed at school and work, and achieve their career and personal goals. It can also helps to connect with their feelings, turn purpose into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to them.Emotional intelligence is commonly elucidate by four attributes as:Self-management � Ability of individual s to control impetuous feelings and actions, manage their emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adjust to substitute circumstances.Self-awareness � It is the ability of the individual to recognize their own emotions and how they affect their thoughts and behavior. To know their strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence. Motivation Social awareness � It is the ability of the individual to understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people and the feel the feeling of others, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization. Relationship management ability to know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, motivate and impact others, work well in a group, and manage friction. As we know, it�s not the smartest people who are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life. probably know people who are academically brilliant and yet are socially unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual ability or intelligence quotient (IQ) isn�t enough on its own to achieve success in life. IQ can help to get into school, but the EQ that will help to manage the stress and emotions when facing the final exams. IQ and EQ exist in tandem and are most effective when they build up one another. Emotional intelligence is most often defined as ability of individual to perceive .use, understand, manage and handle emotions. In this context the main purpose of the study was to examine the emotional intelligence and general mental ability among secondary school students. The study also aimed to find out the correlation between variables. The study was carried on students of 8th standard in schools of city of Mysore. The sample for the study consisted of 50 male and50 female students and data was collected by using by using tools as RPM(ravens standard progressive matrices) applied to measure the general mental ability of the secondary school students S K Mangal Emotional intelligence inventory is used to measure the emotional intelligence of the secondary school students.


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    Volume 6 Issue-7
