ISSN 2394-5125

    Abnormalities of Labor: Understanding Complications During Childbirth (2023)

    Muralinath.E, Sony Sharlet.E, Sravani Pragna.K, Kalyan.C, Vinayasree.C, Guru Prasad.M, Venkat Navven.A, Sravani.K , Archana Jain
    JCR. 2023: 308-315


    Normally many pregnancies progress in a smooth manner and some women exhibit abnormalities of labor, which can complicate the birthing process. An extended labor is also termed as dystochia and it happens if labor lasts longer than average period in a significant manner. Diagnosis is linked to the ineffective contractions, slowness of cervical dilatation or delaying of baby�s descent. An extended labor can expose the body to an enhanced stress and may result in issues namely meconium aspiration, low oxygen levels and potential birth injuries. Precipitous labor is manifested by extremely rapid labor process, often completing in less than three hours. This can result in more dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Symptoms of precipitous labor are string and frequent contractions, a sudden urge to push and a rapid descent of the baby through the birth canal. Breech presentation happens if the baby�s feet, buttocks or knees present fomirst instead of the head. Diagnosis of breech presentation is based on physical examination or ultrasound in the late second or early third trimester pregnancy. Signs of fetal distress are an abnormal heart rate ( either too fast or too low), decreased fetal movement, meconium ( baby�s first stool) in the amniotic fluid and decreased oxygen levels in the baby�s blood. It us finally vconcluded that abnormalities of labor can be complex and challenging, but with the proper medical care and timely interventions


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 10 Issue-7
