ISSN 2394-5125


    Sneha Chakrabarti, Anjali Hasija, Khangembam Nganbi chanu, Gautam, Kaveri Divan
    JCR. 2020: 3884-3888


    The society has evolved over the centuries, the 21th century has questioned the concept of �Individuality� and how a individual seek their identity in the society(Sagar Aryaman, �Society: Evolution and Disruption�. Readers� Blog, 07-May-2021). The abstract ideas of gender, sex, and sexuality is the most prevalent one in the contemporary society(Carla Moterio �Sexual Orientation and gender identity�. Frontiers, 01-October-2015). Filling out an form or application, we come across the section to mention our sex or gender, but never sex and gender, the difference lies in the society, sex is biological, while gender is a social structure, therefore gender roles are social obligations and sex alongside sexuality are marginalized in our heteronormative society (William Little �Introduction to Sociology�. BC Campus). The paper seeks to give a brief overview of the complex and evolving idea of gender roles and sexual identity l, as the ideas do justice in describing gender oppression, Heteropatriarchy, Heteronormativity, queer theory, intersectionality, and the freedom of an individual. Gender based crimes against women has rose from 57.5 in 2020 to 82.5 in 2021(Shane Romig �Nearly 2.4 Billion Women Globally Don�t Have Same Economic Rights as the Men�. The World Bank, 01-March-2022), while 52% of LGBTQIA+ people suffer from hate crimes in India(Sumit Chaturvedi, Hindustan Times, 09-October-2018). The society has witnessed a change in how an individual seeks it�s identity through its gender and sexuality. The manuscript focuses on highlighting the changing gender roles, diversity of sexual identity, and how society receives it. The paper tries to justify the nature of gender roles and sexual identity, and describes the need of diversity, inclusivity, and acceptance, in the rapidly changing world.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-16
