ISSN 2394-5125


    Sandeep Jhamb, Gaurav Sharma,Rajkumar Kaushik
    JCR. 2020: 2523-2528


    This r?s?arch pap?r ?xplor?s th? multifac?t?d r?alm of Hydrog?n En?rgy Storag? Syst?ms (HESS) as a crucial compon?nt in th? global transition toward sustainabl? and r?sili?nt ?n?rgy landscap?s. Th? abstract ?ncapsulat?s th? cor? obj?ctiv?s and findings of th? inv?stigation, r?cognizing th? imp?rativ? to addr?ss ?n?rgy storag? chall?ng?s in r?n?wabl? syst?ms. Drawing on an ?xt?nsiv? lit?ratur? r?vi?w, th? pap?r navigat?s through th? principl?s, t?chnologi?s, and applications of HESS, ?lucidating its pivotal rol? in mitigating int?rmitt?ncy issu?s associat?d with r?n?wabl? ?n?rgy sourc?s. Th? m?thodology int?grat?s t?chnical ass?ssm?nts, cas? studi?s, and ?conomic analys?s to provid? a compr?h?nsiv? und?rstanding of th? p?rformanc?, scalability, and ?conomic viability of HESS across various s?ctors. Through cas? studi?s, th? r?s?arch ?xamin?s r?al-world applications of HESS, spanning grid-l?v?l ?n?rgy storag?, industrial proc?ss?s, and transportation. T?chnical ass?ssm?nts focus on ?valuating th? ?ffici?ncy, storag? capacity, and ?nvironm?ntal impacts of diff?r?nt HESS t?chnologi?s, including hydrog?n production, compr?ssion, storag?, and conv?rsion back to ?l?ctricity. Th? ?conomic analys?s d?lv? into th? cost-?ff?ctiv?n?ss and mark?t dynamics, off?ring insights into th? ?conomic f?asibility and pot?ntial barri?rs to wid?spr?ad adoption. R?sults showcas? th? transformativ? pot?ntial of HESS in addr?ssing th? chall?ng?s pos?d by th? int?rmitt?nt natur? of r?n?wabl? ?n?rgy sourc?s. From facilitating grid stability to ?nabling th? us? of hydrog?n as a cl?an fu?l in various s?ctors, HESS ?m?rg?s as a v?rsatil? solution with far-r?aching implications for th? transition to a sustainabl? ?n?rgy futur?. In conclusion, this r?s?arch und?rscor?s th? critical rol? of Hydrog?n En?rgy Storag? Syst?ms in advancing th? int?gration of r?n?wabl? ?n?rgy sourc?s into mainstr?am ?n?rgy syst?ms. Th? findings contribut? valuabl? insights for policymak?rs, ?n?rgy practition?rs, and r?s?arch?rs alik?, guiding ?fforts toward harn?ssing th? full pot?ntial of HESS to cr?at? r?sili?nt, sustainabl?, and low-carbon ?n?rgy ?cosyst?ms.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-1
