ISSN 2394-5125

    Optimisation of a wireless sensor network using elephant swarms to extend its service life (2020)

    Neeraj Panwar
    JCR. 2020: 3807-3816


    Elephant swarm optimisation is used in this study to improve network performance all around by optimising the routeing method, the adaptive radio link, and the balanced TDMA MAC scheduling. In order to include optimisations at the routeing, radio, and MAC levels, the established cross-layer technique has been applied. The routeing and radio link layers have been optimised, and a MAC scheduling programme based on time division multiple access (TDMA) has been established. Experimental studies were conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the elephant swarm optimisation technique, and these studies showed improvements in network lifetime, sensor node energy decay rate, throughput active node ratios, and lower communication overhead, among other metrics. The.NET framework was used in the creation of this system, which runs on the SENSORIA wireless simulation platform.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-9
