ISSN 2394-5125

    Postmodern Outlook in Ian McEwan�s Saturday (2019)

    S.P Athira, Dr. Felicia Gladys Sathiadevi
    JCR. 2019: 577-585


    The novel Saturday narrates just one day (15th , February, 2003), a normal Saturday of a neurosurgeon, Henry Perowne. . Perowne encounters with the injustices of modern civilization violently even at his own living room where the street thug Baxter trespasses into his well-protected house. The present study explores the post modernity of the novel Saturday and its adherence of aesthetics of realism. It describes the protagonist�s movements without narrating his thoughts clearly. In general, it is regarded as the view of an external observer. It is revealed from the phrase �wakes to find himself already in motion� that the narrator echoes his inner voice as an outsider would not be able to be precise when exactly Perowne becomes conscious.The theme of the novel is predominantly postmodern with its formal traits indicating commitment to realism. Therefore, it is concluded that Saturday in its themes and concerns is largely a postmodern novel adoring a function of literature being basically realist with the role of upholding the illusion of unity having been lost in this postmodern society.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 6 Issue-7
