ISSN 2394-5125

    Practicing BLS on mannequin, do the medical students learn? (2020)

    Lahiri Somsubhra, Narmadha E
    JCR. 2020: 2282-2287


    There is a lack of data on the effectiveness of skills lab training over a longer length of time, despite the fact that it is common knowledge that skills lab training has a variety of positive effects. This is the case despite the fact that the benefits of skills lab training are well documented. This is in spite of the fact that it is general knowledge that training in skills labs has positive benefits on one's performance. This continues to be the case in spite of the fact that the benefits of skills lab training have been the subject of a significant amount of study and data. As a consequence of this, we made the decision to carry out a prospective, randomised controlled trial with a follow-up period of either three or six months to investigate whether or not students who were instructed in accordance with a "best practise" model (BPSL) performed BLS in a simulated environment better than students who were instructed in accordance with a traditional "see one, do one" teaching approach (TRAD). The study assessed and contrasted the levels of performance attained by the two separate groups of participants.


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    Volume 7 Issue-1
