ISSN 2394-5125

    The functional outcome of limited open reduction and percutaneous plate osteosynthesis for distal tibial fractures (2020)

    Dr. Ravikumar T V, Dr. Shristi Patil, Dr. Vinay Jain, Dr. Annapurna V T, Dr. Ullas Mahesh
    JCR. 2020: 2504-2509


    Introduction: In current orthopaedic practice, minimally invasive plating osteosynthesis (MIPO) and interlocking nailing are the preferred techniques for fractures of the distal third tibia. Even though intramedullary nail spares the extraosseous blood supply, allows load sharing, and avoids extensive soft tissue dissection, proximal and distal fragments of shaft fractures can be difficult to control with this technique. Traditional open plating techniques have greater instances of wound complications and hence less invasive methods of plating such as Limited Open Reduction and Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis (LORPO) are currently gaining recognition.



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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-1
