Bitemporal Hemianopia-An indication of Ethambutol intoxicity. (2023)
Dr Dinesh Kumar, Navneet Kaur, Snimer Kaur, Zoya Gurpreet Paul
JCR. 2023: 99-100
Tuberculosis is one of the ancient diseases known to man caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily presents as the pulmonary form but in severe cases it may disseminate to other areas of body like liver, brain, intestine etc. Tb meningitis is a characterised by significant complications of the CNS. It is accompanied by non specific and heterogeneous clinical symptoms. The treatment of tuberculosis involves a multi-drug therapy regimen comprising of Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrizinamide and Ethambutol as the primary first line drugs. Each of these drugs in associated with several side affects. We here present the side effect of ethambutol intoxication