The radial engine is a reciprocating type internal combustion engine configuration in which the cylinders point outward from a central crankshaft like the spokes on a wheel. This configuration was very commonly used in large aircraft engines before most large aircraft started using turbine engines. In a radial engine, the pistons are connected to the crankshaft with a masterand-articulating-rod assembly. One piston, the uppermost one in the animation, has a master rod (Red on the animation) with a direct attachment to the crankshaft. The remaining pistons pin their connecting rods (Yellow on the animation) attachments to rings around the edge of the master rod. Four-stroke radials always have an odd number of cylinders per row, so that a consistent every-other-piston firing order can be maintained, providing smooth operation. This is achieved by the engine taking two revolutions of the crankshaft to complete the four strokes, (intake, compression, power, exhaust), which means the firing order is 1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8 and back to cylinder 1 again. This means that there is always a two-piston gap between the piston on its power stroke and the next piston to fire (i.e., the piston on compression) In this project, you will create the Radial Engine assembly shown. The Radial Engine assembly will be created in two parts, one will be the subassembly and the other will be the main assembly. The dimensions of the components of the Radial Engine assembly are shown.
Aluminum Alloy, ANSYS R 14.5, CATIA V5 R20, Master Rod, Structural Steel.