ISSN 2394-5125


    Jaladi Jagajeevan Ram
    JCR. 2020: 5421-5429


    Poverty has been a big issue in India since its independence. However, poverty has been significantly reduced as a result of several efforts and initiatives done by the country's authorities. Poverty is a societal phenomenon in which a segment of society is unable to meet even the most basic needs of existence. When a major portion of a population is denied the basic necessities of life and lives on a subsistence level, that society is said to be suffering from mass poverty. Third-world nations are typically poor, yet pockets of poverty may be found in prosperous. European and American countries as well. Several economists and organizations have performed research on the magnitude of poverty in India. India has to develop an anti-poverty policy that focuses on people who cannot profit from economic possibilities. Strategies implemented by the government since 2014. Women's empowerment in India is strongly reliant on a variety of factors, including geographical location (urban/rural), educational level, social standing (caste and class), and age. Policies for women's empowerment exist at the national, state, and municipal levels in a variety of areas, including health, education, economic opportunity, gender-based violence, and political engagement. However, considerable gaps exist between policy achievements and real community practice


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-12


    Entrepreneurship,rural women, Entrepreneurship Development programmes