ISSN 2394-5125


    Chittapragada Sri Raja Rajeswari
    JCR. 2020: 2710-2714


    Language is the vehicle for inter and intra communication. It is a tool to communicate across geographical boundaries. It would be the key that opens windows to the world, unlocks doors to opportunities, and expands our minds to new ideas. According to Albert C. Baugh & Thomas Cable (2002:10 ) a language communicates ones thoughts, feelings to others, the tool with which they conduct their business, or the government of millions of people, the vehicle by which has been transmitted the science, the philosophy, the poetry of the culture is surely worthy of study. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1989:699) defines language is a system of sounds, words, patterns, etc. used by humans to communicate thoughts and feelings. Robert Lado (1971:12) says that language is intimately tied to man’s feeling and activity. It is bound up with nationality, religion, and the feelings of oneself. It is used to work, worship, and play by everyone, whether he is a beggar or banker, savage or civilized. According to Albert C. Baugh & Thomas Cable (2002: 4) a language may be important as a lingua-franca in a country or region whose diverse populations would be unable to communicate otherwise all these definitions depict various aspects and purposes of language. However, language can be designated differently based on its function, nature, quality, etc.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-3


    acquisition, children, English, first language, second language, learning