ISSN 2394-5125
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    Journey Towards Self � discovery: A Reading of M.G.Vassanji�s The Book of Secrets (2020)

    R.Christobel Merlin Mahil, Dr. A. Nisha
    JCR. 2020: 3038-3042


    Journey to a new place adds enthusiasm and eagerness. The way the voyage is treated in literature encourages physical mobility, psychological reawakening and emotional development. Migrants mingle the experiences in the foreign and motherland to bloom out as a new. The study aims to present the challenge faced by the migrants in Vassanji� s The Book of Secrets. It analyses migration as a successful component of people whose need, including employment possibilities, are not met in their native countries. People who have travelled across far-off regions of the world in search of work often strive to establish root and a sense of settled security. In reality, they are being blown to pieces by ambiguous insecurities. The study investigates the journeys that migrants take the process of self-discovery and the construction of identity in a society where choices are made, order are given and policies are started.


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    Volume & Issue

    Volume 7 Issue-6
